How to apply the Apple Developer Account


Step 1
If you are going to apply as Company, you need to apply the DUNS number first.

Step 2
Visit to http://developer.apple.com and fill in the information. It would be around 2 to 3 days to complete the whole process.


How to apply the Android Developer Account


Step 1

Apply one new Gmail first


Step 2
Visit to https://play.google.com/apps/publish and fill in the information. It would be around 1 day to complete the whole process.


How long does it take to publish an iPhone / iPad App


Usually, it would be around 14 days to 28 days for APPLE to approve an iPhone / iPad App.


How long does it take to publish an Android App


Usually, it would be around 2 hours to publish to the Google Play Market


What is UDID


Visit to https://itunes.apple.com/app/udid-sender/id306603975?mt=8, install the APP and you can get the UDID of your device easily


How to use the google email platform for your domain


Step 1
Visit to http://www.google.com/a/cpanel/domain/new fill in the form. It would be around 2 days to complete that.